Activate The Principles

There are principles that exist that if activated or put into action produce massive outcomes.

For example:

  1. Give and it will be given to you

  2. Humble yourself and you will be exalted

  3. Be faithful over a few things, then you can rule over much

The list goes on. Many believe that success in life and leadership comes by work, charisma , or intellect alone. It may seem that it is just a matter of putting ideas into action or by just being fortunate but the major glue between work, charisma, ideas and every other productivity factor are principles. A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. Principles become the foundation that allows everything else in our lives and leadership to work. Principles are like the hinge on a door. If you don’t have the hinge, the door won’t open. Principles are like keys. If you don’t have keys, you are locked out.

We are living in a time where people want to lead and achieve without principles. There is an understanding that how you do anything is how you do everything. Principles become the charge of how you do everything. The thought that intellect alone or talent alone will allow you to achieve is a fallacy.

This is the missing component at this time that is fueling the issues we see personally, politically, professionally, racially, etc. There is a subtle thought that we can be successful without principles. We must grab principles and institute them in every area of our lives.

Are you principle deficient? Have there been thoughts that have been released to stifle the light of principles in your life? Take some time today and evaluate your principles. Determine to learn some new principles. Activate strong principles today and watch how your life and leadership takes a new course.

The Art of Treating People Well

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself”. This is a command and principle I have heard over and over again since I was a little girl and I have even repeated the saying.  You can repeat a principle verbally without really understanding how to execute the principle in day to day interactions.  Earlier this week as I was sitting at my desk, a thought came to mind about this principle and soon thereafter a phrase came to mind: the art of treating people well.  As I look back through my formal education, spiritual upbringing, and even professional development, I noted that there was NEVER a class or course offered or an extended emphasis on how to treat people.  I believe our society equates this as a principle that should be taught in the child rearing years. 

Most service oriented businesses are employing some type of training around this topic.  The sheer nature of customer interfacing and the desire to deliver exceptional service has economic implications. People like great service and will pay for great service. But how many individuals have the desire to become artful masters at treating people well just because?  How many have embraced this as a way of leading in life? As I further contemplated this topic I looked to those who I admire who in my opinion were/are great leaders (Jesus, Mother Teresa, Oprah, and a list of others) and found that one of the common things they were exceptional at was treating people well. I could give countless examples.  Be it through their service, philanthropy, or teachings, at the root of it is love and a desire to treat others exceptionally regardless of whether they deserve it.  As we aspire to lead brilliantly, let us not forget the strength and brilliance of serving, loving, generously giving, forgiving, and impacting others because we simply treat them the way we would treat ourselves.