‘You are what you eat.” You probably have heard this saying before. It is the notion that if you desire to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle you should eat wholesome foods. I like this saying but I also know that this proverb applies to more than just ingestion of food.
Brilliant individuals desire a superior diet. Have you noticed that brilliant people are meticulous about their diet? I am not just referring to food that is consumed by the mouth, but food that is ingested by the ears and eyes. Brilliant individuals desire the best from top notch advisory services to the best mattress. The concept is that with great inputs one can achieve even greater outputs.
Knowledge is a diet. Television is a diet. Relationships are a diet. Friends are a diet. Music is a diet. Social Media is a diet. Atmospheres are a diet. Nature is a diet. We are constantly ingesting and tables are set before us daily. What are you chewing on? Meditating on? What is it that is feeding your inner man and causing you to live in fullness and be healthy? What are the things cultivating your brilliance?
I challenge you today to develop a superior diet. Choose wisely! Fill your plate with wholesome goodness from the table that is set and then….…..Bon appetit!