There’s a hook in a song I know that says “the ordinary just won’t do.” Brilliant people are extraordinary. Extraordinary means to be unusual or remarkable. Remarkable means to be noteworthy; worthy of notice or attention. Ordinary people live and face circumstances and seemingly stay boxed in where extraordinary people are able to take even regular circumstances and handle them in a way that people say “wow, did you see that.” Extraordinary people soar. The earth is waiting for a manifestation of individuals who are not ordinary. It takes a different mindset. It takes a different spirit. Ponder this today. Are you ordinary or extraordinary? Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating becoming an attention seeker or people pleaser. I am not advocating vain motives. I do believe you are graced to do something unusual; something remarkable.
There is nothing wrong with being ordinary, but there’s also nothing wrong with being EXTRA. Make your mark. Establish your footprint. Selah.